Marketing Development
Market development is a strategic move made by the firm to grow in
the existing market. To boost sales, the corporation searches for new
customers to pitch its products to the market at different market
segments. Geographical growth, user attraction, up selling to current
users, distribution network development, franchise network
development, branding, and target market expansion are all part of the
market development plan.
Distribution Network Development It is a connected structure of the
supply chain where the warehouse, transport system receives
inventories of good and delivers them to customer. It serves as a
connecting point between the manufacturer and the final consumer,
either directly or via a retail network.
Franchise Network Development - It is a form of a business model that
facilitates networking with other business owners and the development
of franchises and consulting, sales, and marketing initiatives that support
franchise operations.
Brand Building It is the process through which a business develops or
enhances its customers' brand awareness, brand perception, and brand
knowledge. Establish connections with the target market and provide
value by promoting a specific product. Customer happiness, customer
loyalty, performance improvement, and brand awareness are all benefits
of brand building.
the business to have expansion, scalability, networking, and brand
building among the market through various strategies that will help
to drive positive results for the company.
Distribution Network development
Franchise Network Development
Brand Building